Greg Giannis (PhD): Artist & Educator giannis.greg [at]

Peripato Telematikos - walking as performance, subjective cartography and custom-written software/hardware system. The images, text, audio and video that constitute these mappings have been contributed using a mobile phone. Images, sound and video are sent using MMS and text using SMS whilst exploring spaces on foot. Please note the site runs an app that requires java to be installed on you computer

Group walks leading to subjective cartographies of place e.g. Townsville

Autoethnographic solitary walks    Greece

Urban waterways walks - Darebin, Sao Paulo, Istanbul, Havana (12th Bienal)

Made of Walking Residency, Cyprus. 2018. Presentation and guided walk into the Akamas Peninsula.

Salvador Walking, 2019 - collaboration with Brazilian artist and academic. workshop notes

Made of Walking Residency, Greece. 2019. One Step and I'm Elswhere catalogue entry

Aegis - A sonic Installation Select “About” and “Map” from main page

Yorta Yorta App - Interpretive Walk for Yorta Yorta Nation and Barmah Forest

App for Android utilising google maps, local artwork and video recordings of elders discussing aspects of the Barmah Forest that are triggered by GPS and Bluetooth walking through the forest. App Screenshot


Assorted works

Installation for Whittlesea Technical School - video-based interactive system to trigger audio content based on participant hand location       

1200 builldings proposal

Sparkle Atherton (Gertrude St Projection Festival 2011)

Participatory Projections (

Facade 2004 - Fringe Festival Special Event, Federation Square

Facade 2010 - Light In Winter Festival, Federation Square.
Commissioned by Robyn Archer for Light In Winter Festival

Facade 2011 - Gertrude St Projection Festival, Fitzroy

Facade - Northern Festival, Northcote

Flutter - interactive video, custom software and hardware system in collaboration with Gina Kalabishi    

Homeless Photographic Exhibition

Journeys - Migration and Identity - experimental interface and photography

Phonoscopy - bits of sound

Snail Mail - Collaboration with snails

technologeia - sculptures, found natural and synthetic objects

Taking a ball for a walk- Interactive 3D balance board, custom hardware and software 

ProteSonics - Visualisation and sonification of Tweets from Arab Spring Protests, Twitter and custom software


Maggie - Collaboration with magpie

vibratile1 - Interactive video montage, videos of body parts responding to sensors triggered by body, custom software and hardware, in collaboration with Jude Walton

Grover is in the house

Aoelian Harp perfromance, Lesbos, 2008.



newmedia class doc